Living in caves, picking fresh fruit from the local orchards, he was the ultimate free spirit with a love of nature.
By the 1950’s, the eccentric and funny Gypsy Boots and his family were appearing on national TV – swinging in on a vine or banging a drum,
shouting out to the world
(and shocked audiences)
his philosophy of a
healthy vegetarian

The Original Nature Boy
Gypsy Boots
Gypsy Boots was an American health and fitness pioneer and personality, credited with laying the foundation for the "hippie movement" and acceptance by mainstream America of an "alternative and healthy lifestyle".
One of the
©2020 Gypsy Boots, LLC

Gypsy’s mission in life was to spread “Health and Happiness”. We think it’s a good message to keep alive.
As Gypsy Boots (my dad, by the way) used to shout (he was very loud) -
“Nuts & Fruits with Gypsy Boots!”
-Dan Bootzin
In 1959, Gypsy and his wife Lois opened the "Back to Nature Health Hut" a tiki-themed joint where locals, celebrities and the curious gathered to be entertained, drink carrot juice, and snack on the nuts & fruits "Boots Bar".
In an era of crew-cuts and conformity, the long-haired, bearded and bare-chested Gypsy wasn’t just ahead of
the times; he was from another planet.